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Hottest 2017 Eye Wear Trends: Light Responsive Blue Stoppers

As 2018 quickly rings in, let’s take a look back at what the hottest fashion glasses trends of 2017 were. Glasses make for a great statement in this day and age and are in no means reserved for the stereotyped elementary kid who sits in the front row of class and continuously raises his/her hand to answer every question.

Cool innovations in the industry have sparked much discussion on the newest trends, such as Payne Glasses. This company has managed to completely revolutionize the glasses industry with their first mover tactic of offering light responsive blue stoppers. This glasses feature protects the eye from harmful LED and UV rays from mobile and desktop screens. Extended exposure to these harsh rays—something that most of us office workers take in on the regular—can lead to disruptive sleep cycles and increased chances of obesity and heart disease. Customize your favourite eyeglass look with these innovative lenses to protect your health in the long-run.

Here are the major 2017 looks that had us up at night (on our phones and computers!):

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