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How to Use a Hockey Balance Board

How to Use a Hockey Balance Board

One of the best ways to stay in shape and build your core muscles is to work out on a hockey balance board. It might not seem like that big of a deal but when you consistently work your core you actually strengthen your whole body. Although, yes, just by walking alone you work your core because you have to balance yourself in order to do so, when you activate your core muscles and hold them there for an extended amount of time, you blast your workout even more. When you play hockey and are constantly being challenged by your opponents and your teammates you need a workout that is better than average. If you don’t know how to use a balance board, here is a general outline on how to do so to maximize your core workouts.

Use Your Hockey Balance Board In a Safe Area

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If you have never used a balance board before you might want to ease into it and get used to it before you get all crazy and try to do a bunch of tricks on it. The best way to start out is to get in a place where if you fall you won’t hurt yourself. You may even want to begin with a helmet to protect your head. Make sure that when you use any hockey training aids that you are doing so in a way that is safe and smart.

Standing On Your Balance Board

When it is time for you to get up there and balance, keep in mind that if you just relax and let your core do the work, you will be OK. You won’t’ even have to think too deeply about it because as soon as you get up on the board your core will kick in and your brain will communicate with it at a lightening fast speed in order to do its best to keep you on your feet. If you have ever ridden a bike, you know that once you get the hang of it, you’ve got it. Unless, of course, you start thinking about it. If you focus on whether or not you are doing it right, it could inhibit your balancing skills because will bring your attention away from what it needs to do to stay balanced.

Staying Balanced

As you may already know, you might have to do a number of awkward moves to stay blanched. A left-arm high in the air, while the right one is straight out in front of you. Whatever it takes, just stay focused and stay up there. The longer you engage your core muscles, the better it is for you. It is not like lifting heavy weights where your muscles quickly lose their strength and begin to fail. Staging engaged with your core is much easier when you simply allow it to do what it does. Stay balanced, keep your core activated, and keep on your feet for as long as you can. It will get easier the more you do it.

Consistent Balance Board Workouts

Just like anything else that has to do with fitness and strength, you have to keep doing it on a regular basis in order to reap the most benefits out of it. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to balance on your board, that is enough to keep yourself in shape and to build strength. The cool thing about working out on a balance board is that you have to stay engaged in order for it to work. It doesn’t turn into a boring session like holding planks for a few minutes does. Keep working out, stay focused, and don’t let any excuses stop you from continually working to maintain a better you.

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